How to use ThunderBehaviour

This extension of Monobehaviour is used to bypass unity's magic update methods. For more information on why this is useful, read 1k update calls

  • ThunderBehaviour is available as a baseclass to use, you can use this instead of your own MonoBehaviours by doing the following
    • instead of void Update() use protected override void ManagedUpdate()
    • instead of void LateUpdate() use protected override void ManagedLateUpdate()
    • instead of void FixedUpdate() use protected override void ManagedFixedUpdate()
    • instead of void OnEnable() use protected override void ManagedOnEnable()
    • instead of void OnDisable() use protected override void ManagedOnDisable()
    • Implement protected override ManagedLoops ManagedLoops => ManagedLoops.Update | ManagedLoops.LateUpdate | ManagedLoops.FixedUpdate
      • Specify one or more of the ManagedLoops enum to indicate to the UpdateManager which loops you want to run on your ThunderBehaviour

Example Classes

using ThunderRoad;
public class ExampleUpdate : ThunderBehaviour
    //Still use awake as normal
    void Awake(){}

    //Use the ManagedOnEnable and ManagedOnDisable instead of the unity ones
    protected override void ManagedOnEnable() {}

    protected override void ManagedOnDisable() {}

    //This tells the update manager to only call your ManagedUpdate() function
    protected override ManagedLoops ManagedLoops => ManagedLoops.Update;

    //This will get called
    protected internal override void ManagedUpdate() {}

    //Late update is not called because it is not specified in the ManagedLoops
    protected internal override void ManagedLateUpdate() {}
using ThunderRoad;
public class ExampleFixedAndUpdate : ThunderBehaviour
    //This tells the update manager to only call your ManagedUpdate() AND ManagedFixedUpdate() functions
    protected override ManagedLoops ManagedLoops => ManagedLoops.Update | ManagedLoops.FixedUpdate;

    //This will get called
    protected internal override void ManagedUpdate() {}

    //This will get called
    protected internal override void ManagedFixedUpdate() {}