
Unsubscribe to events

Remember to unsubscribe -= to your events. Forgetting to do so can cause memory leaks 🤯

public class MyLevelModule : LevelModule
        public override IEnumerator OnLoadCoroutine() {
            EventManager.onCreatureKill += EventManager_onCreatureKill;
            EventManager.onPossess += EventManager_onPossess;
            EventManager.onUnpossess += EventManager_onUnpossess;

        public override void OnUnload()
            EventManager.onCreatureKill -= EventManager_onCreatureKill;
            EventManager.onPossess -= EventManager_onPossess;
            EventManager.onUnpossess -= EventManager_onUnpossess;

To get custom weapons to sit properly on a weapon rack

Create a second HolderPoint (Transform) like in the pictures below. Then add an additional HolderPoint on the item script named HolderRackTopAnchor for the weapon rack and HolderRackTopAnchorBow for the bow rack and reference your new HolderPoint.

Use regions in C# code to collapse regions of code together

    public class MyLevelModule : LevelModule {
        #region onLoadlogic
        public override IEnumerator OnLoadCoroutine() {
            return base.OnLoadCoroutine();