

Spawning a prefab asynchronously from an asset bundle

Catalog.InstantiateAsync<GameObject>("myPrefabGameObject", myGameObject => {
  myGameObject.transform.position = whatever;
}, "SpawningMyGameObject");

Is Player holding an Item with Telekinesis

/// <summary>
/// Returns true if the player is TK holding the item
/// </summary>
/// <param name="item"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static bool IsPlayerTkHolding( Item item ) {
    if ( item != null ) {
        foreach ( SpellCaster spellCaster in item.tkHandlers ) {
            if ( spellCaster.ragdollHand.creature.isPlayer ) {
                return true;
    return false;

Disable culling for an Item (uses reflection)

item.Set("cullingDetectionEnabled", false);
public static void Set<T>( this object source, string fieldName, T val ) {
        .GetField(fieldName, BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance)
        .SetValue(source, val);

Basic U10 LevelModule json

  "$type": "ThunderRoad.LevelData, ThunderRoad",
  "id": "Master",
  "version": 3,
  "modes": [
      "name": "Default",
      "modules": [
          "$type": "Namespace.Classname, DLL-Name"

Adding custom tips

Create a level module which on load adds your tips to the catalog at runtime. This will add them to the base game tips without overwriting them or other modders ones.

    public class AddLoadingScreenTips : LevelModule {
        public List<string> tips = new List<string> {
        public override IEnumerator OnLoadCoroutine() {
            return base.OnLoadCoroutine();
        private void AddTips() {
            var textData = Catalog.GetTextData();
            if ( textData.GetGroup("Tips") != null ) {
                var tips = textData.GetGroup("Tips");
                int id = tips.texts.Count;
                foreach ( string t in ) {
                    var tip = new TextData.TextID {
                        id = id.ToString(),
                        text = t

Extension method to get the mod path of an object

public static string GetModPath( this Object thisObject ) {
    Type type = thisObject.GetType();
    string assemblyFullName = type.Assembly.GetName().Name;
    return FileManager.GetFullPath(FileManager.Type.JSONCatalog,
        FileManager.Source.Mods, assemblyFullName);

Extension method to get the manifest.json file for a Type (assuming the type is from a mod dll)

public static string GetManifest(Type type) {
    string assemblyFullName = type.Assembly.GetName().Name;
    string manifestName = assemblyFullName + "\\manifest.json";
    string manifest = File.ReadAllText(FileManager.GetFullPath(FileManager.Type.JSONCatalog,
        FileManager.Source.Mods, manifestName));
    return manifest;

How to access the items in the players holders

foreach(Holder holder in