Debug Console


The debug console is only available on PCVR. It is not available on Nomad

Blade and Sorcery has an ingame console which can be used to debug mods and find errors and run built-in and custom commands.


This console can be viewed by pressing F8.


Adding custom commands

Scripting mods can also add their own commands.

To do that, just add the ConsoleMethod attribute to any static method in your plugin.

Here is an example for a new command that spawn a cube at a position:

using UnityEngine;
using IngameDebugConsole;

public class TestScript : MonoBehaviour
	[ConsoleMethod( "cube", "Creates a cube at specified position" )]
	public static void CreateCubeAt( Vector3 position )
		GameObject.CreatePrimitive( PrimitiveType.Cube ).transform.position = position;

For more information about the debug console, you can find it here: