Item Spawner

Item Spawner is a script that allows you to spawn an item, whether it be to spawn a prop, shoot an item or any other means. This script allows you to spawn items through Unity Events, spawning items with motion, to allow you to create spawnable projectiles.



“Spawn” Button is for internal use only. May be removed in the future.


Field Description
Item ID The Item ID of the Item you want to spawn.
Pooled Spawns items that are stored in pool (For items like Arrows, rocks).
Spawn on Start Spawns the item on level load or on component enable.
Disallow Despawn Disallows the item spawned to despawn.
Spawn Count Depicts the amount of the item that spawn at one time.
Random Radius Radius of the item spawn (Indicates items don't spawn at one point).
Random Rotate When ticked, items spawned will be randomly rotated.
Holder Object Reference the Holder that the item gets spawned in to.

Spawning Objects in Motion

Field Description
Linear Velocity Mode The mode of which the items spawn. World Space spawns it at an X/Y/Z based on the world, Spawner Space spawns it based on the rotation of the spawner, and Item Space spawns the items based on the Item HolderPoint.
Linear Velocity Mode s Depicts the velocity of the item on the X/Y/Z Axis.
Angular Velocity Mode The mode of which the items rotate when they spawn. See Linear Velocity Mode for info on modes.
Angular Velocity Depicts the rotational speed of the item on the X/Y/Z Axis.
Force Throw When ticked, items will spawn in thrown, enabling "OnFly" on the objects that have it enabled in the JSON. An example is: Arrows will fly on their fly ref.
Ignore Collision Collider Depicts collider that the items ignore when spawned/thrown.
Ignore Collision Item Depicts items that the items ignore when spawned/thrown.
Ignore Collision Ragdoll Depicts ragdolls that the items ignore when spawned/thrown.
Set Player Last Handler Depicts that when spawned, the player will be seen as the last handler, and therefore counts as player kills if it kills NPCs.
Ignored Player Parts Depicts parts that the item spawner ignores when spawned. Ones still enabled will deal damage/affect the player.

This is the gizmo of the ItemSpawner when Random Radius is above 0.
