Content Custom Data

What is Content Custom Data?

ContentCustomData allows you to attach custom data classes to Item objects.


It could be used to keep track of how much liquid is in a potion, or how many bullets are in a magazine.

ContentCustomData is also used in conjuction with Container objects.

When an Item is added to a Container the ContentCustomData associated with that Item can also be stored in the Container.

Container objects on the player's Creature are saved and serialized, so data can persist when changing levels or quitting the game and starting up back up.


For example if you partially drink a potion, store it in your inventory, it will add the potion Item to the players Container along with the ContentCustomData which stores how much liquid is left in the potion. If you change maps the Container is saved so it will remember how much liquid is left in the potion.

How to use Content Custom Data?

ContentCustomData is an abstract class. You must create your own class to extend it.

public class MyData : ContentCustomData
    public int myValue;
    public MyData(int initialValue) {
        myValue = initialValue;

To use this custom data with an Item you need to attach it to the Item somehow.

One way is to use an ItemModule to add the customData onto the item

public class AddMyData : ItemModule
    public override void OnItemLoaded(Item item)
        item.AddCustomData(new MyData(10));        

You can then retrive the custom data from the item in other parts for your code to read and update the value.

item.TryGetCustomData<MyData>(out myData);

The customData will be persisted when the item is added to the players holsters or inventory.