Ladder Builder


This component allows you to easily create a ladder of any length by repeating a single rung object along the Y axis.

This component has an example within the SDK examples folder.


  1. Create an empty gameobject.
  2. Select Add Component in the inspector window and add the LadderBuilder component.
  3. Place either the LadderRung prefab from the SDK examples folder, or your own rung prefab in the Rung Prefab field.
  4. Set the Rung Count property to the amount of rungs your ladder should have, and press Create Rungs.

Component Properties

Field Description
Rung Count How many rungs should be generated.
Rung Height How far apart each rung should be.
Disable Rung Mesh If enabled, all mesh renderers in the rung prefab will be disabled on generation.
Rung Prefab The prefab that will be repeated vertically to form the ladder.